Foods to Avoid with Braces

March 7, 2024

Starting your journey with braces is a big step towards that perfect smile you've been dreaming of, but it comes with a substantial amount of intentional care

Figuring out what you can or cannot eat with braces is one of the situations where intentional care comes into play, and it can sometimes feel like you're trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. 

Some foods are like little troublemakers for your braces, threatening to bend wires or pop brackets off if you're not careful. Getting to know these food foes is key to protecting your braces and making sure your smile journey is as smooth as sailing. 

This friendly guide is here to shine a light on those dietary no-go’s, helping you navigate your way through with ease and keep your oral health in check.

Comprehensive List of Foods to Avoid

Your diet with braces doesn't have to be a chore, but it does mean making some adjustments to ensure your orthodontic journey is smooth and free from setbacks. 

Understanding what you cannot eat with braces is key to protecting your investment and achieving the best results. Here's a breakdown of the food categories you should steer clear of:

Hard Foods

Hard foods are often the culprits behind broken brackets and bent wires, leading to emergency orthodontic visits. To keep your braces in top shape, avoid:

  • Nuts
  • Hard candies
  • Ice cubes
  • Very hard fruits like unripe apples
  • Hard crusts or pizza edges

These items can exert undue pressure on the delicate components of your braces, risking damage and potentially prolonging your treatment.

Sticky Foods

Sticky foods can be a nightmare for anyone with braces. They cling to brackets and wires, making them difficult to clean and increasing the risk of damage. Steer clear of:

  • Caramel
  • Gum
  • Taffy
  • Sticky candy bars

These foods can pull on and even dislodge the components of your braces, necessitating repairs.

Sugary Foods

While sugary foods are tempting, they pose a significant risk to your dental health, especially with braces. 

Sugar can lead to plaque buildup around brackets, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Limit consumption of:

  • Soda
  • Sugary snacks
  • High-sugar juices

Opt for healthier, low-sugar alternatives to safeguard your oral health during orthodontic treatment.

Very Crunchy Foods

Crunchy foods can apply unexpected force on your braces, leading to damage. It's best to avoid:

  • Popcorn (the kernels are notorious for getting stuck and causing issues)
  • Certain chips (opt for softer versions if necessary)
  • Hard taco shells

Choose softer snacks or cut larger items into smaller, manageable pieces to enjoy them safely.

Tough Meats and Hard Breads

Tough meats and hard breads require more force to chew, which can be problematic for braces. This includes:

  • Tough cuts of meat (consider tender, slow-cooked alternatives)
  • Baguettes or other hard-crusted breads (soft loaves are a safer choice)
  • Pizza crusts (the softer middle sections are better)

Opting for softer or tenderized versions of these foods can help you avoid unnecessary strain on your braces.

Tips for Eating Safely with Braces

Adjusting your diet when you have braces is crucial for ensuring your orthodontic journey is smooth and successful. 

While it's important to know what you cannot eat with braces, it's equally vital to understand how to navigate your meals safely. Here are practical tips to help you enjoy a wide range of foods without compromising your braces.

Cut Foods into Small Pieces

Large or hard foods can be made more manageable by cutting them into smaller pieces. This technique applies to fruits like apples and pears, vegetables like carrots, and even meats. By doing so, you reduce the risk of damaging your braces and make chewing much easier.

Chew with Your Back Teeth

Your back teeth are stronger and less likely to be damaged by eating. When consuming firmer foods, use your back teeth to chew. This helps protect the brackets and wires on your front teeth, reducing the likelihood of an emergency orthodontic visit.

Soften Foods When Possible

Certain foods can be softened through cooking or other preparation methods to make them braces-friendly. Vegetables can be steamed, and tough meats can be cooked slowly to make them tender. This allows you to enjoy a broader diet without risking damage to your braces.

Avoid Biting into Foods with Your Front Teeth

Biting directly into foods with your front teeth can put undue pressure on your braces. Instead, use utensils to cut food into bite-sized pieces that can be easily chewed with your back teeth. This is particularly important for foods like corn on the cob or whole fruits.

Stay Hydrated with Water

Water is not only essential for overall health but also helps in keeping your braces clean. Drinking water after meals helps rinse away food particles and sugars that could lead to plaque buildup around your brackets and wires. Opt for water over sugary drinks to maintain optimal oral hygiene.

Foods You Can Enjoy with Braces

Knowing what you cannot eat with braces is only half the battle; discovering what you can enjoy is equally important and can make your orthodontic journey much more pleasant. 

While it might seem like your food options shrink the moment those brackets are in place, there's actually a vast array of delicious and nutritious foods that are completely safe for braces. 

Let's explore some of the tasty options that will keep your meals interesting and your braces secure.

Soft and Succulent Fruits

Fruits are a cornerstone of a healthy diet, and even with braces, you don't have to miss out. Focus on soft, ripe fruits that are easy on your braces and delightful to eat:

  • Bananas: Soft, creamy, and rich in potassium.
  • Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries offer a burst of flavor and antioxidants without endangering your braces.
  • Grapes: Easy to eat and no need for cutting, making them a perfect snack.
  • Melons: Watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are juicy and hydrating choices.

These fruits can be blended into smoothies for an even easier consumption method that's braces-friendly.

Vegetables: Soft and Steamed

Vegetables don't have to be off-limits. Cooking them makes them soft enough to not pose a risk to your braces:

  • Broccoli and Spinach: Steam them to retain their nutrients while making them gentle on your braces.
  • Carrots: Boil or steam until they're tender.
  • Peas: Naturally soft and full of vitamins.

Dairy Delights

Dairy products are a great source of calcium and protein, and most are perfectly safe for braces:

  • Cheese: Opt for soft varieties or shred harder cheeses to avoid any issues.
  • Yogurt: Smooth and full of probiotics, yogurt is an excellent choice for a snack or breakfast.
  • Milkshakes: A delicious treat that can also give you a calcium boost.

Grains and Soft Carbs

Grains and carbohydrates are energy sources that you don't have to compromise on:

  • Pasta and Rice: Cook until soft and they're good to go.
  • Soft Breads: Look for bread without seeds or nuts, and avoid hard crusts.
  • Tortillas: Soft tortillas can be used for a variety of meals, from wraps to soft tacos.

Protein: Soft and Nutritious

Proteins are essential for your health, and there are plenty of braces-friendly options:

  • Eggs: Versatile and soft, eggs can be prepared in numerous ways to suit your taste.
  • Tender Meats: Look for cuts of chicken, turkey, or fish that are easy to chew, or consider slow-cooking to make tougher cuts more tender.
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are great plant-based protein sources that are soft and braces-safe.

Sweet Treats

Yes, you can still enjoy desserts. Here are a couple that should not give you any problems while you’re wearing braces:

  • Ice Cream: Choose flavors without nuts or hard chunks.
  • Soft Baked Goods: Muffins, soft cookies, and cakes can satisfy your sweet tooth.
  • Puddings and Mousses: Creamy and smooth, these desserts are gentle on your braces.

Handling Accidental Damage from Food

Despite our best efforts to stick to the guidelines on what you cannot eat with braces, accidents can happen. A momentary lapse in judgment or an unexpected bite into something too hard can result in damaged braces. 

But don't panic! Knowing how to handle these situations can make a significant difference in the outcome of your orthodontic treatment. Here's what to do if you find yourself facing accidental damage from food:

Assess the Damage

First, try to understand the extent of the damage. Is a wire bent or has a bracket come loose? Minor issues might not require immediate attention, but it's essential to know what you're dealing with.

Rinse and Clean

Gently rinse your mouth with lukewarm water to remove any food particles that could be hiding around your braces. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to carefully clean around the damaged area, ensuring no additional pressure is applied to the compromised parts.

Temporary Fixes

For minor discomforts, like a poking wire, you might be able to apply orthodontic wax to create a smooth surface until you can see your orthodontist. However, avoid making any DIY repairs to the braces themselves.

Contact Your Orthodontist

Regardless of how minor the damage might seem, it's crucial to inform your orthodontist as soon as possible. They can advise you on the next steps, whether it's watching the situation at home or coming in for an emergency appointment.


As we've explored the various foods to enjoy and those to avoid with braces, it's clear that navigating your orthodontic journey requires a bit of guidance and expertise. 

At Merrifield Orthodontics, we're committed to providing not just top-notch braces treatment but also comprehensive support throughout your entire experience. Based in Falls Church, VA, we pride ourselves on offering personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs.

Understanding that accidents can happen, especially when it comes to food and braces, we're fully equipped to handle any braces emergencies that may arise. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist, ensuring that any issues are addressed promptly and effectively, minimizing any potential disruptions to your treatment plan.

We invite you to schedule your smile assessment today to learn more about us and how we can be your ally towards achieving that perfect smile. Choosing Merrifield Orthodontics means partnering with a team that values your smile as much as you do. 

Let us guide you through your orthodontic journey with the expertise, care, and attention you deserve. Start your journey towards a healthier, straighter smile today with Merrifield Orthodontics, where your smile is our mission.

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