Benefits of Braces

May 7, 2024

Braces are often associated with the journey to achieving a perfect smile, but their benefits extend far beyond aesthetic enhancements. Designed to straighten teeth and improve oral alignment, braces play a crucial role in oral hygiene and overall dental health. 

As orthodontic tools, they address various structural issues with teeth and jaws, leading to improved functionality and health outcomes. If you are considering braces, you’ll find that they offer a multitude of health advantages that contribute to a healthier mouth and a more comfortable life.

What Are Braces?

Braces are specialized orthodontic devices used to correct misaligned teeth and jaw positioning. They come in various forms, including traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, and clear aligners, each designed to cater to different aesthetic preferences and dental needs. 

By applying continuous pressure over time, braces move teeth into the desired position, addressing issues such as overcrowding, gaps, and misalignments that can affect oral functionality and health.

The effectiveness of braces in correcting dental alignment plays a significant role in the broader benefits they offer, including enhanced oral care, better chewing functionality, and prevention of dental disorders. 

The precise alignment achieved through these devices helps in maintaining cleaner teeth and gums, significantly reducing the risk of periodontal diseases and tooth decay. 

As a fundamental treatment in orthodontics, braces not only contribute to a more symmetrical and appealing smile but also fortify dental wellness and the overall quality of life.

Benefit #1: Improves Oral Health

One of the primary benefits of braces is the significant improvement they bring to oral health. When teeth are misaligned, it becomes challenging to clean all the surfaces thoroughly. Plaque and food particles can accumulate in hard-to-reach areas, leading to a higher risk of dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. 

Braces work by aligning the teeth, which simplifies the process of brushing and flossing, allowing for more effective removal of plaque.

Moreover, straight teeth are less prone to injuries such as chips or fractures because they distribute bite pressure more evenly. This is particularly important for preventing long-term wear and tear on teeth. 

Additionally, properly aligned teeth reduce the strain on jaw muscles and joints, which can alleviate or prevent chronic conditions like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

Benefit #2: Enhances Smile Aesthetics

Another compelling benefit of braces is their ability to enhance smile aesthetics. A well-aligned set of teeth is universally recognized as one of the key components of an attractive smile. 

Braces effectively correct crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth, resulting in a more symmetrical and pleasing dental appearance. This transformation often leads to a noticeable improvement in one’s facial profile and symmetry, contributing significantly to overall facial aesthetics.

The aesthetic improvement from braces can have profound psychological benefits as well. Many individuals experience a boost in self-esteem and confidence once their teeth are straightened.

Benefit #3: Corrects Bite Issues

Braces are highly effective in correcting a range of bite issues, which is another significant benefit they offer. Bite problems, including overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite, can lead to various complications in both oral health and overall functionality. 

These issues can cause uneven wear on teeth, difficulty in chewing, and even speech impediments. Braces realign the teeth and jaw to their proper positions, thereby restoring the natural function and significantly reducing the risk of future dental complications.

The correction of bite issues with braces also aids in achieving a balanced bite where the upper and lower teeth fit together better. This alignment is crucial for proper chewing and digestion, which starts in the mouth. It also helps in reducing strain on jaw muscles and joints, thereby preventing disorders like TMJ and chronic jaw pain.

Benefit #4: Easier Oral Hygiene

One of the standout benefits of braces is the way they facilitate easier oral hygiene. When teeth are properly aligned, the daily task of cleaning becomes significantly less cumbersome. 

Misaligned or crowded teeth often create nooks and crannies that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush or floss, leading to plaque buildup and an increased risk of gum disease. By straightening the teeth, braces eliminate these hard-to-reach areas, making it straightforward to maintain a thorough oral cleaning routine.

Additionally, easier oral hygiene helps prevent serious dental conditions such as periodontal disease and cavities, since every surface of each tooth is more accessible for cleaning. This comprehensive access not only enhances personal oral care efficiency but also reduces the time and effort needed for dental cleanings and check-ups. 

Benefit #5: Improves Speech

Another vital benefit of braces is their ability to improve speech. Misalignments in teeth and jaw can significantly impact the way sounds are formed in the mouth, leading to speech impediments or clarity issues. 

Braces correct these structural problems, allowing for better control over the movement of the tongue and lips, which is crucial for producing clear speech.

As teeth are realigned, many patients find a noticeable improvement in pronouncing certain sounds that were previously difficult for them, such as 's', 'z', and 'th'. 

This enhancement can increase verbal confidence and make communication more effective, especially in professional or social settings where clear speech is paramount.

Benefit #6: Prevents Bone Erosion

A crucial yet often overlooked benefit of braces is their role in preventing bone erosion in the jaw. Misaligned teeth can lead to improper forces being exerted on different parts of the jawbone, which over time can cause the bone to erode or resorb. 

This bone loss not only affects the stability of teeth but can also alter facial structure and aesthetics. Braces help by ensuring that teeth are properly aligned and that bite forces are evenly distributed across all teeth, which maintains the integrity of the jawbone and supports oral health.

This preventive measure is vital for long-term dental stability. By maintaining proper alignment, braces help to stimulate and preserve bone tissue, reducing the risk of future dental problems associated with bone loss. 

The preservation of bone health is especially important for older adults, who may be more susceptible to bone density issues. Additionally, by preventing bone erosion, braces contribute to keeping the natural shape of the face, which is crucial for both function and appearance.

Benefit #7: Reduces Digestive Issues

A significant benefit of braces that often goes unmentioned is their role in reducing digestive issues. Properly aligned teeth are crucial for the initial stage of digestion, which involves chewing food thoroughly. 

Misaligned or crooked teeth can hinder this process, leading to poorly chewed food that is more challenging for the stomach to digest. Braces help by aligning the teeth, which improves the efficiency of chewing and thereby enhances the overall digestive process.

Improved chewing helps in breaking down food into smaller, more manageable pieces, increasing the surface area for digestive enzymes to work more effectively. This not only aids in better nutrient absorption but also minimizes gastrointestinal discomforts such as bloating, gas, and indigestion that can result from swallowing large pieces of food.


In conclusion, the benefits of braces extend far beyond achieving a straighter smile. From enhancing oral health and speech clarity to improving digestive functions and preventing bone erosion, the advantages are comprehensive and impact various aspects of health and well-being. 

Braces not only contribute to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance but also bolster overall physical health, making them a worthwhile investment for both children and adults.

If you are considering braces or have concerns about your dental alignment and its effects on your health, consulting with an orthodontist can provide you with personalized insights and options. 

If you're ready to start your journey to a healthier, more beautiful smile with braces, trust Merrifield Orthodontics to provide the best treatment in Falls Church, VA. 

At Merrifield Orthodontics, you'll find a mom-powered team led by Dr. Elizabeth Matteson Jones, offering state-of-the-art treatments and technologies in a stress-free, family-friendly environment. 

Our practice is dedicated to giving you the personalized care you deserve either through virtual assessments or in-person consultations. Start your transformation today by scheduling your appointment and see why our patients trust us for their orthodontic needs. 

Get in Touch!

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(703) 573-0200

2843 Hartland Rd., Suite 100, Falls Church, VA 22043

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